Nechutný zákrok mestských policajtov na muža pred očami jeho 3-ročného syna. Českom otriasa škandál. Náhodný okoloidúci zachytil odporný incident v meste meste Uherské Hradište. Na záberoch je vidieť, ako sa dvaja policajti snažia uzemniť muža na ulici. Všetko sa dialo pred zrakom jeho iba 3-ročného synčeka.
“Pustite ma, pustite ma, pustite ma, Ježiši Kriste. Pustite ma. Pomoc,” opakuje muž, na ktorom kľačí dvojica policajtov. Jeho malý syn medzitým plače a uteká k žene, ktorá bola nablízku. Zo záberov nie je jasné, čo tomuto zákroku na ulici predchádzalo. Zarážajúce je, že policajti nebrali ohľad na malé dieťa. Vo videu je vidieť, ako ho jeden z policajtov dokonca odstrčil. Zadržaný muž prosil, nech ho pustia, no nejavil žiadne iné známky agresivity. Aj napriek tomu ho policajti priľahli.
Nechutný zákrok polície už riešia nadriadení aj starosta obce. Policajti sú aktuálne postavení mimo službu až do vyšetrenia zákroku.
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+++today 4:15 pm in Southmoravia /CZ Anti-Covid measures in the Czech Republic
If people don’t use a respirator outdoor in the Czech Republic :
the security forces and police crack down on rigeros even against adults and children . City Police attac today afternoon in Uherske Hradiste a father who picked up his child from the playground and had forget his respirator. The Father want not to go in discussion with the officers – he want to go with the baby – The Officer hold him – stopped him and together with the child, thrown him on the floor like a criminal .Then the crying child was able to free himself and was freed by a saleswoman from the bakery shop ! The Crime of this Father with the baby – he dont use FFP 2 mask outdoor in the City.
This video i have make today afternoon.
We cant free breath here without restrictions !!!
update :
reaction of his wife on my post :“So please please this is my husband and 3 year old son, my husband didn’t have a veil outside. He wasn’t aggressive, he just didn’t want to put on a veil …. And who would want to ask where her mother was, she worked at hospital in the covid station ( JIP) and took care of ventilated patients. The husband was taken to the Police and left without his father on the street….(?)
– i cant beliefe it , and i hope today comes a official statement !!!Uverejnil používateľ Thomas-Georg Poehlmann Streda 10. marca 2021
Video/Foto: Facebook